Colladon, Nicolas, -1586

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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Colladon, Nicolas, -1586
Other forms of name
Colladon, Nicolas, d. 1586
Date of birth
Date of death
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 79531188
Wikidata: Q3876422
Library of congress: nr2003039425
Sources of Information
  • Traitte de l'avthorite dv magistrat en la pvnition des heretiques, 1560:t.p. (Nicolas Colladon)
  • RLIN, Dec. 3, 2003(hdgs.: Colladon, Nicolas, d. 1586; Colladon, Nicolas)
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Wikipedia description:

Nicolas Colladon (Bourges, France, c. 1530 – Lausanne, 1586) was a French Calvinist pastor. Calladon was the son of French parents who in 1536 took shelter in Switzerland for religious reasons. He studied theology at Lausanne and Geneva. He was a friend of John Calvin and pastor at Vandœuvres and Geneva. In 1564 he became chancellor of the Genevan Academy where he taught theology until the death of Calvin. With Theodore Beza, he wrote a famous biography of the French reformer in 1565. He came into conflict with the magistrates of Geneva, and in 1571 he moved to Lausanne and taught at the local Academy.

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