Toppling Qaddafi

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט

"Toppling Qaddafi is a carefully researched, highly readable look at the role of the United States and NATO in Libya's war of liberation and its lessons for future military interventions. Based on extensive interviews within the US government, this book recounts the story of how the United States and its European allies went to war against Muammar Qaddafi in 2011, why they won the war, and what the implications for NATO, Europe, and Libya will be. This was a war that few saw coming, and many worried would go badly awry, but in the end the Qaddafi regime fell and a new era in Libya's history dawned. Whether this is the kind of intervention that can be repeated, however, remains an open question - as does Libya's future and that of its neighbors" -- Provided by publisher.

כותר Toppling Qaddafi : Libya and the limits of liberal intervention / Christopher S. Chivvis, RAND Corporation.
מוציא לאור New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press
שנה 2014
הערות Includes bibliographical references (pages 225-244) and index.
היקף החומר xviii, 249 pages : illustrations
24 cm.
שפה אנגלית
מספר מערכת 990036927980205171

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