Samuel Hugo Bergmann Archive.

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Samuel Hugo Bergmann (1883–1975) was a Czech - German - Israeli Jewish philosopher, a member of the Prag Circle of writers, founder and director of the Jewish National and University libraries and the first chancellor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He was born in Prag and studied philosophy in Prag and Berlin. During his studies in Prag, he joined the university Zionist association Bar Kochba, of which he gradually became a leading member. He started writing articles about Zionism, which he published in the German Zionist press in Prag and published several philosophical works. At that time, he also met Martin Buber. From 1907 to 1919 he was a librarian at the university of Prag - with the exception of World War I when he served in the Austrian army. He was a frequent guest of the cultural salon of Berta Fanta, the wife of the famous Prag pharmacist Max Fanta. Here he met their daughter Else, whom he married in 1908. In 1919, he represented Czechoslovak Jews in the Committee of Jewish Delegations at the Paris Peace Conference. In 1920 he and his wife Else traveled to British Mandate Palestine, where he became the founder and first director of the National and University Library from 1920 until 1938. In 1928 he began lecturing philosophy at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and became a professor in 1935. Between 1935 and 1938 he was the first rector of the university. Part of his activity was an active effort to bring Jews and Arabs closer together. Together with Martin Buber and other personalities, he founded the Brit Shalom movement. He received the Israel Humanities Prize in 1954. The archive includes correspondence, manuscripts, newspaper clippings, certificates on his public activities, biographical material, and essays sent to him.

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Reference Code
ARC. 4* 1502 ארכיון שמואל הוגו ברגמן
Consists of
23 מטר רץ
Hebrew; German;
The archive includes correspondence, manuscripts, periodicals, certificates about his activity as a poet, biographical material, and essays sent to him.;הארכיון כולל התכתבות, כתבי יד של ספרי ברגמן, קטעי עתונות, תעודות על פעילותו הציבורית, חומר ביוגרפי, תיקי נושאים וחיבורים שנשלחו אליו.
ארכיון שמואל הוגו ברגמן.
Additional Titles
English title: Samuel Hugo Bergmann Archive.
תערוכת ש"ה ברגמן נערכה בבית הספרים ביוני-אוגוסט 1984.
עם הארכיון התקבלו גם שתי מכונות כתיבה שנרשמו באוסף מכונות כתיבה של הספרייה בסגנטורות V 3691 / 3, V 3691 / 4.
Citation Note
ARC. 4* 1502 ארכיון שמואל הוגו ברגמן, מחלקת הארכיונים, הספרייה הלאומית, ירושלים
Host Item
ארכיון שמואל הוגו ברגמן
Level of Description
Fonds Record
Biographical summary
Shmuel Hugo Bergman(n) was born on December 25, 1883 in Prag as the second child of Siegmund Bergmann and Johanna Fischer. He attended high school in Prag and became friends with his classmate Frank Kafka. He studied philosophy and science at the universities of Prag and Berlin. During this time he met Martin Buber and Franz Brentano and was influenced greatly by their thinking. Among his circle of friends were other friends of Kafka, such as Max Brod and Felix Weltsch. Bergmann joined the Zionist student organization Bar Kochba in Prag, and began publishing his thoughts about the establishment of a Jewish state. After obtaining his PhD he began work as librarian at the university library of Prag. in 1908 he married Else Fanta, the daughter of Berta and Max Fanta, who(especially Berta) had established a circle of friends of theosophical and anthroposophical thinking. Bergmann found interest in the anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner, whose lectures he attended beginning in 1909. During a visit to Mandate Palestine in 1910 Bergmann decided to dedicate himself to the creation of a Jewish national library. After WWI, where he served in the Austrian army, he traveled to London to collect funding for the future library. A year later he emigrated and began work on the library, which has now become the university and Jewish national library. In 1935 Hugo and Else Bergmann divorced, and he married the ex-wife of Gershom Scholem, Elsa Escha Burchhart. In Jerusalem, Bergmann directed the library until 1935, in 1940 his friend Felix Weltsch became the new director. In 1928 Bergmann began teaching philosophy at the newly opened Hebrew university, in 1935 he received a professorship and became president of the university. Bergmann was co-publisher of the Encyclopedia Hebraica, the Encyclopedia Judaica and the magazine Iyun. In 1924 he established the national biography Kiryat Sefer. Together with Franz Rosenzweig, Walter Benjamin, Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy and Ernst Simon he belonged to the authors writing for Martin Buber's periodical Kreatur. Bergmann was a member of HaPoel HaZair and founding member of Brit Shalom with Buber, Hans Kohn, Robert Weltsch and Gershom Scholem and others. In 1947 he was the head of a delegation of Brit Shalom to the conference on inner Asiatic relations in New Delhi. Bergmann published many philosophical works in Hebrew, on Kant, on philosophers of the 20th century and on Maimonides. In 1954 he was awarded the Israel Prize for his philosophical work, and in 1974 the second Israel Prize for his contribution to Israeli society and state.
פילוסוף, מאנשי ההגות של תנועת העבודה בארץ ישראל. ממניחי היסודות של האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים. שמואל הוגו ברגמן נולד בפראג, צ'כוסלובקיה ב 1883 ולמד בעיר הולדתו ובברלין. הושפע מתורתם של בובר, א.ד. גורדון ואחד העם. ב 1920 עלה לארץ ישראל והשתתף בפעולות "הפועל הצעיר" ומטעמה היה ציר בועידת היסוד של הסתדרות העובדים. היה ממקימי בית הספרים הלאומי ומנהלו הראשון בשנים 1920-1935. פרופ' לפילוסופיה באוניברסיטה מ 1928. מראשי אגודת "ברית שלום". פירסם ספרים ומחקרים רבים בפילוסופיה. קיבל את פרס ישראל למדעי הרוח ב 1954. נפטר בירושלים 1975.
Ownership history
הארכיון הופקד לצמיתות בספרייה הלאומית בחודש יולי 1976 על ידי גב' אשה ברגמן, על פי צוואתו של בעלה, ש"ה ברגמן.
Language Note
הארכיון בעברית וגרמנית.
Samuel Hugo Bergmann Archive, The National Library of Israel. Digitization and cataloguing of this fonds was funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG / German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy - EXC 2176 'Understanding Written Artefacts: Material, Interaction and Transmission in Manuscript Cultures', project no. 390893796. The research is conducted within the scope of the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC) at Universität Hamburg.
National Library system number
צילום: בנו רותנברג, 1955מתוך: ארכיון בנו רותנברג, אוסף מיתר

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ברגמן, שמואל הוגו, 1883-1975 (יוצר הארכיון), Samuel Hugo Bergmann Archive., 1901-1975, סימול ARC. 4* 1502 ארכיון שמואל הוגו ברגמן, ארכיון שמואל הוגו ברגמן.


Samuel Hugo Bergmann Archive, The National Library of Israel. Digitization and cataloguing of this fonds was funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG / German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy - EXC 2176 'Understanding Written Artefacts: Material, Interaction and Transmission in Manuscript Cultures', project no. 390893796. The research is conducted within the scope of the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC) at Universität Hamburg.
