Muzanī, Ismāʻīl ibn Yaḥyá, 791-878

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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Muzanī, Ismāʻīl ibn Yaḥyá, 791-878
Name (Arabic)
المزني، اسماعيل بن يحيى، 791-878
Other forms of name
المزني، ابو ابراهيم اسماعيل بن يحيى
مزني، اسماعيل بن يحيى، 791-878
الشافعي، اسماعيل بن يحيى، المزني، 791-878
المصري، اسماعيل بن يحيى، المزني، 791-878
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 22166826
Wikidata: Q48703
Library of congress: n 89115482
Sources of Information
  • كتاب الام، 1903:صفحة العنوان (ابي ابراهيم اسماعيل بن يحيى المزني).
  • Maʻrifat al-sunan wa-al-āthār, 1991:t.p. (Abū Ibrāhīm Ismāʻīl ibn Yaḥyá al-Muzanī)
  • Brockelmann, S. I., p. 305(Abū Ibr. Ism. b. Yaḥ. al-Muzanī, d. 24 Ram. 264/21-5-878 ibn Kairo)
  • Kaḥḥālah(Ismāʻīl al-Muzanī, Ismāʻīl ibn Yaḥyá ibn Ismāʻīl ibn ʻAmr ibn Muslim al-Muzanī, al-Miṣrī, al-Shāfiʻī (Abū Ibrāhīm), 791-878)
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Wikipedia description:

Abū Ibrāīm Ismā'īl ibn Yahyā Ibn Ismā'īl Ibn 'Amr Ibn Muslim Al-Muzanī Al-Misrī (791–878 AD/ 174-264 Hijri) was an Islamic jurist and theologian and one of leading member of Shafi'i school. A native of Cairo, he was a close disciple and companion of Imam Shafi'i. He has been called Al-Imam, al-'Allamah, Faqih al-Millah, and 'Alam az-Zahad. He was skilled in the legal verdicts and became one of the inheritors of Imam Shafi’i. Imam Shafi’i said about him: " al-Muzani is the standard-bearer of my school". He lived an ascetic life and died at the age of 89 on the 24th of Ramadan 264/30 May 878 and was buried near Imam al-Shafi'i.

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