Aaron, ha-Levi, of Barcelona, active 13th century-14th century
Enlarge text Shrink text- Sefer ha-ḥinukh. English & Hebrew. Sefer ha-ḥinukh, 1978- :v. 1, t.p. (Rabenu Aharon ha-Leṿi ish Bartselonah) v. 2, added t.p. (Rabbi Aaron haLévi of Barcelona)
- LC data base, 3-10-86(hdg.: Aaron, ha-Levi, of Barcelona, 13th cent.; usage: R. Aaron Halevi)
- Enc. Judaica, 1971(Aaron ben Joseph ha-Levi (HaRAH, initials of Ha-Rav Aharon Ha-Levi); c. 1235-1300; Spanish rabbi; Sefer ha-ḥinnukh wrongly ascribed to him; Aaron ha-Levi of Barcelona; Aaron of Barcelona [EJ identifies Aaron ha-Levi of Barcelona with Aaron ben Joseph ha-Levi of Barcelona])
- Jewish encyc., c1916(Aaron ha-Levi of Barcelona; Spanish Talmudist of the end of 13th cent.; auth. of anon. "Sefer ha-ḥinukh")
- Univ. Jewish enc., 1969, c1939(Aaron Halevi of Barcelona; d. about 1300; auth. of "Sefer hahinnuch")
- Enc. Judaica, c1928-(Aaron ha-Levi aus Barcelona; auth. of "Sefer ha-chinnuch;" lived at end of 13th & begin. of 14th cent.)
- Minḥat ḥinukh ha-shalem. Sefer Minḥat ḥinukh ha-shalem, 1984:t.p., v. 1 (Ish Leṿi Bartseloni, zal; R. Aharon ha-Leṿi mi-Bartselonah; ha-Rah)
- Ḥidushe ha-Raʼah. Nimuḳe Yosef:t.p. (Aharon ha-Leṿi) special t.p., 1st work (Aharon ha-Leṿi bar Rabi Yosef ha-Leṿi, z.l.h.h. mi-Ṭoliṭula)
- OCALC: Aaron,ha-Levi, of Barcelona, active 13th century-14th century
Aharon ben Joseph haLevi (Hebrew: אהרון הלוי; c. 1235 – c. 1303), known by his Hebrew acronym Ra'AH (רא"ה), was a medieval rabbi, Talmudic scholar and Halakhist. Aharon haLevi was born in Girona, Catalonia (present-day Spain) in 1235 to his father Joseph haLevi, son of Benveniste haLevi, son of Rabbi Joseph haLevi, who was the son of Rabbi Zerachiah haLevi of Girona Baal Hamaor. Ra'AH's mother Clara was a granddaughter of Aaron of Lunel, who was the son of Meshullam ben Jacob of Lunel. Aharon haLevi studied under his father Joseph haLevi and brother Pinchas ben Joseph haLevi, as well as Nachmanides, and was a colleague of Shlomo ben Aderet (1235–1310). He published critical notes on the Rashba's Torat HaBayit, which he entitled Bedeq HaBayit. He also wrote a commentary on the Talmud, select parts of which have been published. Gedaliah ibn Yaḥyah suggested that haLevi might also be the anonymous "Levite of Barcelona" who wrote the Sefer haHinukh, but this theory has been rejected due to discrepancies between opinions expressed, and the authorities cited, in the Bedeq HaBayit and the Hinukh. Yom Tov Asevilli was one of Aharon HaLevi's students.
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