Apollonius, Rhodius

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Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
אפולוניוס, מרודוס
Name (Latin)
Apollonius, Rhodius
Name (Arabic)
أبولونيوس، روديوس
Name (Cyrilic)
Аполлоний Родосский
Other forms of name
Apollonius, of Rhodes
Apollonios Rhodios
Apollonius, Paradoxographus
Apollonio, Rodio
Apollonius, de Rhodes
Apollon, de Rhodes
Apolloniĭ, Rodosskiĭ
Apollonios, de Rhodes
Apollonios, Rhodios
Apollonios Rhodský
Apollonios, Rodios
nnaa Apollonius Rhodius
Apolonio, de Rodas
Apolonio, Rodio
Apolonios Rodoseli
Apolonios, Rodoseli
Rhodius, Apollonius
Rodosskiĭ, Apolloniĭ
Родосский, Аполлоний
אפולוניוס רודיוס
Start period
Associated Language
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 100175273
Wikidata: Q192638
Library of congress: n 80008541
Sources of Information
  • Cañigral, L. de. Estudios métricos sobre Apolonio Rodio, 1979:t.p. (Apolonio Rodio)
  • His Apolloniou Rodiou "Ta argonautika", 1988.
  • Erzählung und Beschreibung in den Argonautika des Apollonios Rhodios, 1993.
  • Tradición y aportación personal en Apolonio de Rodas, 1991.
  • Argonavtika, 1975:t.p. (Apolonios Rodoseli)
  • Apollon de Rhodes ( (Ordre de la Rost-Croix A.M.O.R.C., viewed Dec. 18, 2012) )
  • Wikipedia, Aug. 26, 2013(Apollonius of Rhodes (Ancient Greek: Apolló̄nios Rhódios; Latin: Apollonius Rhodius), floruit first half of 3rd century BCE, is best known as the author of the Argonautica, an epic poem about Jason and the Argonauts and their quest for the Golden Fleece. His other poems, which survive only in small fragments, concerned the beginnings or foundations of cities, such as Alexandria and Cnidus - places of interest to the Ptolemies, whom he served as a scholar and librarian at the Library of Alexandria)
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Wikipedia description:

Apollonius of Rhodes (Ancient Greek: Ἀπολλώνιος Ῥόδιος Apollṓnios Rhódios; Latin: Apollonius Rhodius; fl. first half of 3rd century BC) was an ancient Greek author, best known for the Argonautica, an epic poem about Jason and the Argonauts and their quest for the Golden Fleece. The poem is one of the few extant examples of the epic genre and it was both innovative and influential, providing Ptolemaic Egypt with a "cultural mnemonic" or national "archive of images", and offering the Latin poets Virgil and Gaius Valerius Flaccus a model for their own epics. His other poems, which survive only in small fragments, concerned the beginnings or foundations of cities, such as Alexandria and Cnidus places of interest to the Ptolemies, whom he served as a scholar and librarian at the Library of Alexandria. A literary dispute with Callimachus, another Alexandrian librarian/poet, is a topic much discussed by modern scholars since it is thought to give some insight into their poetry, although there is very little evidence that there ever was such a dispute between the two men. In fact, almost nothing at all is known about Apollonius and even his connection with Rhodes is a matter for speculation. Once considered a mere imitator of Homer, and therefore a failure as a poet, his reputation has been enhanced by recent studies, with an emphasis on the special characteristics of Hellenistic poets as scholarly heirs of a long literary tradition writing at a unique time in history.

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