Asín Palacios, Miguel, 1871-1944

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  • Personality
| מספר מערכת 987007257908905171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Asín Palacios, Miguel, 1871-1944
Name (Arabic)
اسين بلاشيوس، ميجوئل
Other forms of name
Palacios, Miguel Asin
Asín, Miguel, 1871-1944
Balathyus, Asín, 1871-1944
Asin, M
Asín Balathyus, 1871-1944
أسين بلاصيوس، ميكائيل
Date of birth
Date of death
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 14765515
Wikidata: Q2713951
Library of congress: n 79127962
Sources of Information
  • نخبة الحكايات العربية والأخبار الأندلسية، 1959:صفحة العنوان (ميكائيل أسين بلاصيوس)
  • LCN
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Wikipedia description:

Miguel Asín Palacios (5 July 1871 – 12 August 1944) was a Spanish scholar of Islamic studies and the Arabic language, and a Roman Catholic priest. He is primarily known for suggesting Muslim sources for ideas and motifs present in Dante's Divine Comedy, which he discusses in his book La Escatología musulmana en la Divina Comedia (1919). He wrote on medieval Islam, extensively on al-Ghazali (Latin: Algazel). A major book El Islam cristianizado (1931) presents a study of Sufism through the works of Muhyiddin ibn 'Arabi (Sp: Mohidín Abenarabe) of Murcia in Andalusia (medieval Al-Andalus). Asín also published other comparative articles regarding certain Islamic influences on Christianity and on mysticism in Spain.

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