Ausonius, Decimus Magnus
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Sources of Information
- Charlet, J.-L. L'influence d'Ausone sur la poésie de Prudence, 1980:t.p. (Ausone)
- Acad. Amer. encyc.(Ausonius; Latin poet and rhetorician Decimus Magnus Ausonius, 310-95; tutor to Emperor Gratian)
- Encyc. Brit., 15th ed.(Ausonius, Decimus Magnus; b. ca. A.D. 310, Bordeaux, France; d. ca. 395, Bordeaux; Latin poet and rhetorician)
- Epigrammi, c2007:t.p. (Decimo Magno Ausonio)
- In hoc libello continentur ... 1500:p. 6 (Decii Magni Ausonii ...)
- LCCSPA6221-6223 (Ausonius, D. Magnus, ca. 310-ca. 395 A.D.)
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Wikipedia description:
Decimius Magnus Ausonius (; c. 310 – c. 395) was a Roman poet and teacher of rhetoric from Burdigala, Aquitaine (now Bordeaux, France). For a time, he was tutor to the future Emperor Gratian, who afterwards bestowed the consulship on him. His best-known poems are Mosella, a description of the River Moselle, and Ephemeris, an account of a typical day in his life. His many other verses show his concern for his family, friends, teachers and circle of well-to-do acquaintances and his delight in the technical handling of meter.
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