Belsky, Yisroel, 1938-2016
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Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
בעלסקי, חיים ישראל, 1938-2016
Name (Latin)
Belsky, Yisroel, 1938-2016
Other forms of name
Belsḳi, Yiśraʼel, 1938-2016
Belsḳi, Ḥayim Yiśraʼel, ha-Leṿi, 1938-2016
Belsky, Chaim Yisroel, 1938-2016
Belsky, Chaim Yisroel Halevi, 1938-2016
בעלסקי, ישראל, 1938-2016
בלסקי, חיים ישראל, 1938-2016
בלסקי, ישראל, 1938-2016
Date of birth
Date of death
Place of birth
Williamsburg (New York, N.Y.)
Place of death
New York (N.Y.)
Field of activity
Jewish law Responsa Kosher food industry Judaism and science Jews, Russian--United States Jews--Former Soviet republics
Associate group
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
Yeshivat Torah ṿa-daʻat ṿeha-Metivta
Camp Agudah (Ferndale, N.Y.)
Ṿaʻad le-hatsalat nidḥe Yiśraʼel
Ṿaʻad le-hatsalat nidḥe Yiśraʼel (2012)
Associated Language
eng heb
Biographical or Historical Data
נפטר יח בשבט תשע"ו (28.01.16).
Sources of Information
- Cf. Selected essays (Director, Shiah T.); internet
- Pisḳe halakhot, 2004:t.p. (R. Yiśraʼel Belski, sheliṭa) added t.p. (Rav Yisroel Belsky, shlita [in rom.])
- Yiśraʼel asher bekha etpaʼar, 2016:page 2, etc. (ha-Rav Ḥayim Yiśraʼel ha-Leṿi Belski, z. ts. ṿe-ḳ.l.l.h.h. = הרב חיים ישראל הלוי בעלסקי; senior halakhic consultant for the Orthodox Union; Rosh Yeshiva at Torah ṿa-Daʻat; rabbi of Camp Agudah; leader of Vaad L'Hatzolas Nidchei Yisroel)
- Home page (an organization for the purpose of restoring traditional Jewish life and culture in the countries formerly part of the Soviet Union) Our history (In 2012 Rav Yisroel Belsky zt”l, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, led the annual Chizuk Mission. Upon his return from Baku and Tbilisi Rav Belsky joined Rav Salomon in the nesius of the Vaad. ( (Vaad L'Hatzolas Nidchei Yisroel website, viewed August 4, 2016) )
- page 10 (Rav Chaim Yisroel Belsky (August 22, 1938-January 28, 2016); had expertise in mathematics, botany, biology, astronomy, and history. ( (Frankfurter, Yitzchak, Remembering Rav Belsky zt"l in Ami magazine, Issue 254, February 3, 2016, online, viewed August 4, 2016:) )
- קונטרס עריכת שלחן הלוי, תשע"ב 2011:
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Wikipedia description:
Chaim Yisroel HaLevi Belsky (August 22, 1938 – January 28, 2016) was an American rabbi and posek of Orthodox and Haredi Judaism. He was one of the roshei yeshiva (deans) at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, and rabbi of the summer camp network run by Agudath Israel of America. Belsky served for more than 28 years as a senior kashrut advisor to the Orthodox Union (OU).
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