Tarṭas, Daṿid de Ḳasṭro

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| מספר מערכת 987007259543905171
Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
די קאסטרו תארתס, דוד בן אברהם, בערך 1625‏-בערך 1700
Name (Latin)
Tarṭas, Daṿid de Ḳasṭro
Other forms of name
Castro Tartas, David, approximately 1625-approximately 1700
Castro Tartaz, David de
Crasto Tartaz, David de
Castro Tartas, David, ca. 1625-ca. 1700
Tartas, David, ca. 1625-ca. 1700
Tartaz, David de Castro, ca. 1625-ca. 1700
Castro Tartas, David Ben Abraham, ca. 1625-ca. 1700
Tartas, David Ben Avraham de Castro
Tartas, David Castro, ca. 1625-ca. 1700
Ḳasṭro Tarṭas, Daṿid de
De Ḳastro Tarṭas, David
Castro Tartas, David de
De Castro Tartas, David
Tartas, David de Castro
קאסטרו תארתס, דוד די, בערך 1625-בערך 1700
די קאשטרו תארטס, דוד
קאשטרו תארטס, דוד די
תרטאס, דוד
די קאסטרו תרטאס, דוד
קאסטרו תרטאס, דוד די
תארטאס, דוד
די קאסטרו תארתס, דוד
תארתאס, דוד
די קשטרו תרתס, דוד
קשטרו תרתס, דוד די
די קאסתרו תארתאס, דוד
קאסתרו תארתאס, דוד די
תרתאס, דוד
תארטס, דוד
טארטאס, דוד
תרטאס, דוד די קאסטרו
תרתש, דוד בר אברהם די קאסטרר
Date of birth
Date of death
Place of residence/headquarters
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Field of activity
Associated Language
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 300723030
Wikidata: Q3019037
Library of congress: nr2004023762
Sources of Information
Wikipedia description:

David ben Abraham de Castro Tartas (also David de Kastro Tartas; in Hebrew, דוד די קאסטרו תרטאס ) (Tartas, 1630-Amsterdam, 1698) was a Portuguese Jewish printer in Amsterdam. Between 1662 and 1701 his press printed the Gazeta de Amsterdam, a newspaper of the exiled Jewish community. David was one of three sons of Portuguese "New Christians" who had escaped from Bragança, and settled, under the Catholic names Cristóvão Luís and Isabel da Paz in the French town of Tartas.In 1640 they moved to Amsterdam to live freely as Jews, retaining the surname "Tartas." David's older brother Isaac de Castro Tartas (ca. 1623-1647) stayed only 1 year in Amsterdam, emigrated to Brazil, and later was martyred in Lisbon. David de Castro Tartas started as a typesetter in the printing house of Menasseh Ben Israel, where his name is mentioned in 1647. He later appears in 1662 as owner of his own press and in 1678 as a member of the Amsterdam Printers' Guild. His press competed with that of Uri Phoebus Halevi and the press of Joseph Athias.

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