Confederazione generale dell'industria italiana
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The General Confederation of Italian Industry (Italian: Confederazione Generale dell'Industria Italiana), commonly known as Confindustria, is the Italian small, medium, and big enterprises federation, acting as a private and autonomous chamber of commerce, founded in 1910. The association network is made of 222 associations, bringing together more than 150,000 companies of all sizes on a voluntary basis, accounting for around 5,400,000 individuals. It aims to help Italy's economic growth, assisting, in doing so, its members. It is a member of the International Organisation of Employers (IOE). The President is Emanuele Orsini since 23 May 2024. Confindustria was a founding member of several organizations, including ISTUD (Istituto Studi Direzionali) and Assingegneria (an organization set up by Confindustria, which has since merged with OICE, L'ingegneria italiana organizzata - which in itself belongs to Confindustria). Members of Confindustria include ANIMA, the Federation of the Italian Associations of Mechanical and Engineering Industries. It owns the prominent newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. With local chapters all over Italy, it is popularly synonymous with Italian business.
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