Desfontaines, Pierre-François Guyot, 1685-1745
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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Desfontaines, Pierre-François Guyot, 1685-1745
Other forms of name
Desfontaines, M. l'abbé (Pierre-François Guyot), 1685-1745 nne
Des Fontaines, Pierre-François Guyot, 1685-1745
Desfontaines, abbé, 1685-1745
Fontaines, Pierre-François Guyot des, 1685-1745
éontaines, Pierre-François, 1685-1745
Guyot Desfontaines, Pierre Francois
D.F. [i.e. P.F.G. Desfontaisnes]
Desfontaines, M. l'abbe
Date of birth
Date of death
Place of birth
Rouen (France)
Place of death
Paris (France)
Place of residence/headquarters
Bourges (France)
Other associated place
Torigni-sur-Vire (France)
Field of activity
French literature--18th century
Associate group
Jesuits (1700 - 1700)
Authors, French--18th century Translators Journalists
Associated Language
Sources of Information
- Dict. de biog. franç.(Des Fontaines, Pierre-François Guyot; appelé parfois faussement Duval des Fontaines; b. 6/22/1685, d. 12/16/1745)
- Cioranescu, A. 18. s.(Desfontaines, Pierre-François Guyot; b. 6/29/1685, d. 12/16/1745)
- Dictionaire [sic] neologique, a l'usage des beaux esprits de siécle, avec l'Eloge historique de Pantalon-Phoebus, 2nd-3rd editions, 1727-1728, via Google books, Aug. 26, 2013:t.p. (Par un avocat de province) author's preface, preliminary page 7 (2nd ed.), preliminary page 6 (3rd ed.) ("moi, qui ai l'honneur d'exercer la profession d'avocat dans une ville de Basse-Bretagne")
- Quérard. Supercheries, v. 1, columns 420-421 (under Avocat de province, a pseudonym identified as Jean-Jacques Bel; regarding authorship of the Dictionnaire neologique: "Quelques bibliographes ont cru que l'Avocat de province était l'auteur de tout le volume. Le vérité est que le Dictionnaire néologique ... est l'ouvrage de l'abbé Desfontaines; J.-J. Bel n'a composé que la facétie qui y est jointe, l'Eloge de Pantaléon Phébus")
- Nisard, C. Les ennemis de Voltaire, 1853, via Gallica, Aug. 26, 2013:title page (l'abbé Desfontaines) passim (l'abbé Desfontaines or Desfontaines)
- Morris, Thelma. L'abbé Desfontaines et son rôle dans la littérature de son temps, 1961:page 21 (quotes baptismal record: Pierre François Guyot, son of Robert Guiot, escuyer, seigneur des Fontaines; baptized June 27, 1785, having been born on the 25th of the present month; most later sources give either June 29 or June 22 as his birthdate) page 22 (Pierre François Guyot would become known under the name of Desfontaines or Des Fontaines, near Rouen) page 25 (left the Jesuits in 1715, according to some sources, or in 1717, according to others) page 29 (date of his appointment as curate of Thorigny is uncertain, but probably 1732 or 1733) page 84 (died Dec. 16, 1745) pages 187-188 (Dictionnaire néologique: authorship disputed; probably chiefly by Desfontaines, with some contributions by Bel) page 370 (pseudonyms: Philocrènes (Eulogius); Crénai (abbé de); Burlon de la Busbaquerie) pages 373-374 (works wrongly attributed to Desfontaines include Mémoires de Madame de Barneveldt and Anecdotes galantes et tragiques de la cour de Néron, both probably by Jean Du Castre d'Auvigny)
- VIAF, Aug. 26, 2013(VIAF ID: 44293738 (Personal); authorized access points: Desfontaines, Pierre-François Guyot, 1685-1745: BnF, SUDOC, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Vatican Library, national libraries of Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden; Desfontaines, M. l'abbé (Pierre-François Guyot), 1685-1745: LC/NACO, national library of Israel; Desfontaines, Abbé: national library of Portugal)
- BnF authorities, Aug. 26, 2013(Desfontaines, Pierre-François Guyot (1685-1745), born 1685-06-29, Rouen, died 1745-12-16, Paris; attended Jesuit College of Rouen and entered the Jesuit Order, Aug. 1, 1700; left the Order in 1715 or 1717 after having taught rhetoric at Rennes and Bourges; journalist, literary critic and literary polemicist; editor of the Journal des savants and of Jugemens sur quelques ouvrages nouveaux; lists as variant forms several pseudonyms)
- Wikipedia (English), Aug. 26, 2013(Pierre Desfontaines; the Abbé Pierre François Guyot-Desfontaines, born 1685 in Rouen, died 16 December 1745 in Paris; French journalist, translator and popular historian, known today for his quarrels with Voltaire)
- Wikipedia (French), Aug. 26, 2013(Pierre-François Guyot Desfontaines; l'abbé Desfontaines; born Rouen, June 29, 1685, died Paris, Dec. 16, 1745; raised by Jesuits and entered their order, teaching rhetoric at Bourges, but left after 15 years; became curate of Thorigny [now Torigni-sur-Vire], but resigned to pursue a literary career)
- entry for Desfontaines (Pierre GUYOT DESFONTAINES (1685-1745); Pierre François Guyot Desfontaines, born Rouen, June 22, 1685, son of Robert Guyot, seigneur des Fontaines, died Paris, Dec. 16, 1745; published under pseudonyms: Philocrenes, abbé de Crénai, Burlon de La Busbaquerie; joined Jesuit order in 1700 and left in 1717) entry for Bel (cites various sources regarding the part of Bel in authorship of Dictionnaire néologique; in sum, the project originated with Bel, but Desfontaines took it over and published the first 2 editions and the Eloge historique de Pantalon-Phoebus, but Bel made various contributions as author and editor to the 3rd edition (1728) ( (Dict. des journalistes, 1600-1789, electronic ed. (WWW), accessed Aug. 26, 2013) )
- Electronic Enlightenment, Aug. 26, 2013(Pierre François Guyot Desfontaines, abbé Desfontaines; born Rouen, 1685, died Paris, 1745); French; journalist, author)
- Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment, 2002, via Oxford Reference, viewed Aug. 26, 2013(Desfontaines, Pierre-François Guyot, (1685-1745), journalist, translator, and critic)
- OCLC, Aug. 26, 2013(usage in resources includes: M. l'abbé Des Fontaines; Mr. l'abbé Desfontaines; l'abbé Desfontaines; l'abbé des Fontaines; M. l'abbé D.F.; Messire Pierre-François Guyot, abbé Desfontaines; M.L.D.F.; Monsieur l'abbé * * *; Herrn Abt de Fontenelle; Pierre-François Guyot Desfontaines; Pierre François Guyot Desfontaines; l'abbé Guyot Desfontaines; P.F.G. Desfontaines)
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Wikipedia description:
The Abbé Pierre François Guyot-Desfontaines (1685 in Rouen – 16 December 1745 in Paris) was a French journalist, translator and popular historian. Known today for his quarrels with Voltaire, Desfontaines can be regarded as the founder of the new literary criticism and journalism in France, insofar as he sought to found his criticism on aesthetic and ethical lines, rather than merely summarising, reproducing or paraphrasing.
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