Volozhiner, Ḥayyim ben Isaac, 1749-1821
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Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
חיים בן יצחק, מוולוז'ין, 1749-1821
Name (Latin)
Volozhiner, Ḥayyim ben Isaac, 1749-1821
Other forms of name
Hayyim ben Yizhaq, of Volozin, 1749-1821
Volozhiner, Hayyim Ben Yizhaq, 1749-1821
Hayyim, de Volozhyn, 1749-1821
Volozhiner, Chaim, 1749-1821
Hayyim, of Wolozyn, 1749-1821
Volozhin, Hayyim ben Isaac of, 1749-1821
Hayyim, of Volozhin, 1749-1821
Woloshin, Chayim ben Isaac of, 1749-1821
Volozin, Hayim mi-, 1749-1821
Hayyim ben Isaac, of Volozhin, 1749-1821
Hayyim Volozhiner, 1749-1821
Hayim de Volozyne
Chaim of Volozhin
Chaim ben Yitzchok of Volozhin, 1749-1821
Rav Chaim Volozhin
Ickovits, Chaim, 1749-1821
חיים בן יצחק מוולוז'ין
חיים, מוולוז'ין, 1749-1821
חיים, מוולאזין, 1749-1821
חיים, מוואלזין, 1749-1821
הגר"ח, מוולאזין, 1749-1821
גר"ח, מוולאזין, 1749-1821
Date of birth
Date of death
Place of birth
Valozhyn (Belarus)
Place of death
Valozhyn (Belarus)
Biographical or Historical Data
מקום לידה: וולוז'ין
מקום לידה: [מחוז אושמיאנה, פלך ווילנא]
מקום לידה: Wolozhin
תאריך לידה עברי: יום ב של שבועות [ז סיון] תק"ט [24.5.1749]
מקום פטירה: וולוז'ין
מקום פטירה: Wolozhin
תאריך פטירה עברי: יד סיון תקפ"א [14.6.1821].
Sources of Information
- Chaim of Volozhin (Chaim of Volozhin (also known as Chaim ben Yitzchok of Volozhin or Chaim Ickovits; January 21, 1749 - June 14, 1821)[1][2] was an Orthodox rabbi, Talmudist, and ethicist. Popularly known as "Reb Chaim Volozhiner" or simply as "Reb Chaim", he was born in Volozhin (aka Vałožyn or Valozhyn) when it was a part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. He died there while it was under the control of the Russian Empire. It is part of present-day Belarus. ( (Wikipedia (viewed on Dec. 2, 2015) :) )
- His Yirʼat H. le-Ḥayim, 1983:t.p. (Ḥayim, ha-a.b.d. ṿe-r.m. di-ḳ.ḳ. Ṿolozin)
- Enc. Judaica, 1971(Volozhiner, Ḥayyim ben Isaac, 1749-1821; rabbi & educator; leader of non-Ḥasidic Russian Jewry)
- LC manual auth. card(hdg.: Ḥayyim ben Isaac, of Volozhin, 1749-1821; variants: Chayim ben Isaac, of Woloshin; Volozhiner, Ḥayyim; Ḥayim ben Isaac of Volozhin; Ḥayyim, of Volozhin)
- Derashat Moharaḥ, 1989 or 1990:t.p. (mo. h. Ḥayim ... a.b.d. ṿe-r.m. di-ḳ.ḳ. Ṿolozin)
- LCN & OCALC: Volozhiner, Hayyim ben Isaac, 1749-1821
- Record enhanced with data from Bibliography of the Hebrew Book database
- לוי אווצינסקי, נחלת אבות, א, ווילנא תרנ"ד, עמ' 42-43 [שם: נולד ח סיון]
- מ"ש שפירא, תולדות רבנו חיים מוואלזין, ווילנא תר"ע
- צבי שרפשטיין, גדולי חינוך בעמנו, ירושלים תשכ"ד, עמ' 50-57.
- Date from LCCPD
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Wikipedia description:
Chaim of Volozhin (also known as Chaim ben Yitzchok of Volozhin or Chaim Ickovits; 21 January 1749 – 14 June 1821) was a rabbi, Talmudist, and ethicist. Popularly known as "Reb Chaim Volozhiner" or simply as "Reb Chaim", he was born in Volozhin (now Valozhyn, Belarus) when it was a part of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. He died there while it was under the control of the Russian Empire. The title of his major work is Nefesh Ha-Chaim.
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