Ibn Ezra, Moses, approximately 1060-approximately 1139

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Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
אבן עזרא, משה בן יעקב, 1055-1140
Name (Latin)
Ibn Ezra, Moses, approximately 1060-approximately 1139
Name (Arabic)
ابن عزرى، موشه
Name (Cyrilic)
Эзра, Мойсей Бен-Яков Ибн
Other forms of name
Ibn Ezra, Moses, ca. 1060-ca. 1139
Ibn Ezra, Moshe ben Yaaqov
Ezra, Moses Ben Jacob
Mose Ibn Ezra
Moshe Ibn Ezra
Moses Ibn Ezra
Moses Abenezra
Ibn Ezra, Moses ben Jacob, ca. 1060-ca. 1139
Ibn Esra, Moses
Ibn Ezra, Moshe, ca. 1060-ca. 1139
Ibn Ezra, Moseh
Ibn ʻEzra, Mosheh, approximately 1060-approximately 1139
Abu Harūn, approximately 1060-approximately 1139
Moses Ben Esra
Moshe Ben Yaaqov Ibn Ezra
Mosheh ben Yaʻaḳov Ibn ʻEzra, approximately 1060-approximately 1139
Yaʻaḳov Ibn ʻEzra, Mosheh ben, ca. 1060-1139
Rambaʻ, approximately 1060-approximately 1139
Ibn ʻEzra, Moše, approximately 1060-approximately 1139
Mūshih ibn ʻAzrá, approximately 1060-approximately 1139
Ibn 'Ezra, Moïse, ca. 1060-ca. 1139
Ибн Эзра, Мойсей Бен-Яков Га-Саллах
Абу-Гарун Муса
Мойсей Ибн Эзра
אבן עזרא, משה, 1055-1140
רמב"ע, 1055-1140
משה אבן עזרא, 1055-1140
משה בן יעקב אבן עזרא
עזרא, משה בן יעקב אבן
בן עזרא, משה, 1055-1140
משה בן עזרא
אבן עזרא, משה, בערך 1060-בערך 1139
ابو هرون موسى
موسى، ابو هرون
Date of birth
Date of death
Place of birth
Biographical or Historical Data
מקום לידה: גראנאדה [ספרד]
מקום לידה: Granada
תאריך לידה עברי: תתט"ו [1055], בערך
תאריך פטירה עברי: אחר תתצ"ה [1135].
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 86836195
Wikidata: Q719393
Library of congress: n 83164115
Sources of Information
  • Dana, J. Torat ha-shir be-Sefer ha-ʻiyunim ṿeha-diyunim ... 1977?:t.p. (Mosheh Ibn ʻEzra) added t.p. (Moshe Ibn Ezra [in rom.])
  • Encyc. Brit., 15th ed.(Ibn Ezra, Moses (ben Jacob ha-Sallaḥ), b.c. 1060, d.c. 1139)
  • Collier's encyc.(Ibn Ezra, Moses, 1070-c. 1150)
  • Ency. Am.,(Ibn Ezra, Moses)
  • Encyc. Judaica, 1971(Ibn Ezra, Moses ben Jacob, also known as Abu Harūn, c. 1055- after 1135)
  • LC manual auth. cd.(hdg.: Ibn Ezra, Moses ben Jacob, ca. 1060-ca. 1139; usage: Mosheh ben Yaʻaḳov Ibn ʻEzra)
  • Śeh-Lavan, Y. Ḥaye Mosheh Ibn ʻEzra, 1981:p. 5 (R. Mosheh Ibn ʻEzra; b. 1070 in Granadah) p. 21 (Rambaʻ)
  • Kitāb al-Muḥāḍarah wa-al-mudhākarah, 1985-1986:v. 1, t.p. (Abū Harūn Mūsá; Mūshih ibn ʻAzrá) added t.p. (Moše Ibn ʻEzra [in rom.]).])
  • Philosophie et exégèse dans le Jardin de la métaphore de Moįse Ibn 'Ezra ... 1997.
  • OCALC: Ibn Ezra, Moses, approximately 1060-approximately 1139
  • Record enhanced with data from Bibliography of the Hebrew Book database
  • חיים שירמן, השירה העברית בספרד ובפרובאנס, א, ירושלים-תל אביב (תשט"ו), עמ' 418-362.
Wikipedia description:

Moses ben Jacob ibn Ezra, known as Ha-Sallaḥ ("writer of penitential prayers") (Arabic: أَبُو هَارُون مُوسَى بِن يَعْقُوب اِبْن عَزْرَا, romanized: Abū Harūn Mūsà bin Yaʿqub ibn ʿAzra, Hebrew: מֹשֶׁה בֵּן יַעֲקֹב הַסַּלָּח אִבְּן עֶזְרָא, romanized: Mōšē bēn Yaʿăqōḇ hasSallāḥ ʾībən ʿEzrāʾ‍) was an Andalusi Jewish rabbi, philosopher, linguist, and poet. He was born in Granada about 1055–1060, and died after 1138. Ibn Ezra is considered to have had great influence in the Arabic literary world. He is considered one of Spain's greatest poets and was considered ahead of his time in his theories on the nature of poetry. One of the more revolutionary aspects of Ibn Ezra's poetry that has been debated is his definition of poetry as metaphor and how his poetry illuminates Aristotle's early ideas. The importance of ibn Ezra's philosophical works was minor compared to his poetry. They address his concept of the relationship between God and man.

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