Institut des hautes-études marocaines

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  • Corporate Body
| מספר מערכת 987007263190005171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Institut des hautes-études marocaines
Name (Arabic)
معهد العلوم العليا المغربية
Other forms of name
École supérieure d'études arabes et berbères de Rabat
École supérieure de langue arabe et de dialectes berères (Rabat)
IHEM (Institut des hautes-études marocaines)
I.H.E.M. (Institut des hautes-études marocaines)
الرباط. معهد العلوم العليا المغربية
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 136990909
Wikidata: Q106352250
Library of congress: n 80076441
Sources of Information
  • LCN
Wikipedia description:

The Institut des Hautes Études Marocaines (The Institute of High Moroccan Studies) or IHEM was an institute established in Rabat in 1920 during the French Protectorate over Morocco by the French Résident Général in Morocco Hubert Lyautey. The IHEM was housed in the Bibliothèque Générale near the residence general of the colonial administration.

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