Jewish Agency for Israel

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  • Corporate Body
| מספר מערכת 987007263196305171
Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
הסוכנות היהודית לארץ ישראל
Name (Latin)
Jewish Agency for Israel
Name (Arabic)
الوكالة اليهودية من أجل اسرائيل
Name (Cyrilic)
Еврейское агентство Израиля
Other forms of name
Jewish Agency for Palestine
Jewish Agency
Joodse Agentschap
Agence juive de France pour Israël
Agencia Judía Para Palestina
Agenzia Ebraica
Jevrejska Agencija
Zsido Oktatasi es Informacios Kozpont Alapitvany
Agence Juive
Agência Judáica
Agencia Judia
Jüdische Agenz
Evreiskoe Agentsvo Dlia Palestiny
J.A.F.I. (Jewish Agency for Israel)
Zidovska agentura v Izraeli
Agenţia Evreească
Agenţia Evreească in Israel
Agencja Żydowska. Wydział Imigracji i Absorbcji
Szochnut Hajehudit
ha-sokhenut Ha-Yehudit Leerez Yisrael
Еврейское агентство в Палестине
Еврейское агентство "Сохнут"
סוכנות היהודית לארץ ישראל
הסוכנות היהודית בארץ ישראל
יידישע אגענץ פאר ארץ ישראל
הסוכנות היהודית לישראל
הסוכנות היהודית לא"י
وكالة اليهودية من أجل اسرائيل
الوكالة اليهودية
Associated country
Associated Language
heb eng
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 135539671
Wikidata: Q41189
Library of congress: n 80120736
Sources of Information
  • In 1958 the Jewish Agency for Palestine changed its name to Jewish Agency for Israel. In 1960 it underwent reorganization: a separate body operating only in the U.S. was created under the name Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc., while the original body continued to operate internationally from Jerusalem. A new branch, the Jewish Agency-American Section, Inc. was created to represent the original body in the U.S.
  • Ency. Judaica, 1971(Jewish Agency; ha-Sokhnut ha-Yehudit le-Erets Yiśraʼel; Ha-Sokhenut ha-Yehudit le-Ereẓ Israel; int'l. nongovt. body centered in Jerusalem; in May 1948 it relinquished many functions to the govt. of Israel)
  • Tokhnit shesh shanim le-fituaḥ ... 1980- :v. 2, tp. (ha-Sokhnut ha-Yehudit le-E.Y.)
  • ʻAliyah u-ḳeliṭah. Shinbrun, S. Pasuxebi dausmel kitʻxvebze, c1982:t.p. verso (Ebrauli saagento)
  • Yom ʻiyun ʻal ha-nośe, "ha-Ḥinukh be-ḥevrat ha-noʻar ... ha-ʻadati", 1982:t.p. (ha-Sokhnut ha-Yehudit)
  • Jewish Agency for Israel. Youth Aliyah Dept. Graphic report, 1986/7:t.p. (Jewish Agency)
  • Orot (Jerusalem : 1950). Orot, Jan. 1950:t.p. (ha-Sokhnut ha-Yehudit be-E. Y.)
  • Erec, 1996. okt.:p. 12 (Jewish Agency for Israel, Szochnut)
  • JAFI catalogue of mission visits, 1999?:t.p. (Jewish Agency for Israel)
  • Most, apr./maĭ 2000:cover p. 4 (Evreĭskoe agentstvo "Sokhnut" (Ukraina))
  • Bulletin d'information Sioniste, Julliet 1949:caption (l'Agence Juive; הסוכנות היהודית = ha-Sokhnut ha-Yehudit)
  • OCALC: Jewish Agency for Israel
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Wikipedia description:

The Jewish Agency for Israel (Hebrew: הסוכנות היהודית לארץ ישראל, romanized: HaSochnut HaYehudit L'Eretz Yisra'el), formerly known as the Jewish Agency for Palestine, is the largest Jewish non-profit organization in the world. It was established in 1929 as the operative branch of the World Zionist Organization (WZO). As an organization, it encourages immigration of Jews in diaspora to the Land of Israel, and oversees their integration with the State of Israel. Since 1948, the Jewish Agency claims to have brought 3 million immigrants to Israel, where it offers them transitional housing in "absorption centers" throughout the country. David Ben-Gurion served as its chairman of the executive committee from 1935, and in this capacity on 14 May 1948, he proclaimed Israel's independence, following which he served as the first Israeli prime minister. In the years preceding the founding of Israel, the Jewish Agency oversaw the establishment of about 1,000 towns and villages in the British Mandate of Palestine. The organization serves as the main link between Israel and Jewish communities around the world. By law, the Jewish Agency is a parastatal organization, but does not receive core funding from the Israeli government. The Jewish Agency is funded by the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), Keren Hayesod, major Jewish communities and federations, and foundations and donors from Israel and around the world. In 2008, the Jewish Agency won the Israel Prize for its historical contribution to Israel and to the Jewish community worldwide.

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