Teitz, Pinchas M. 1908-1995
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Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
טייץ, מרדכי פינחס בן בנימין אברהם, 1908-1995
Name (Latin)
Teitz, Pinchas M. 1908-1995
Other forms of name
Teitz, Pinchas Mordecai, 1908-1995
Teitz, Mordechai Pinchas, 1908-1995
Ṭaits, Mordekhai Pinḥas ben Binyamin Avraham, 1908-1995
Ṭaits, Mordekhai Pinḥas, 1908-1995
טייץ, פנחס מרדכי בן בנימין אברהם, 1908-1995
טייץ, מרדכי פינחס בן בנימין אברהם, 1908-1995
טיץ, מרדכי פינחס בן בנימין אברהם, 1908-1995
טיץ, פינחס מרדכי, 1908-1995
טאיץ, מרדכי פינחס בן בנימין אברהם, 1908-1995
ראבינאוויץ, מרדכי פינחס בן בנימין אברהם, 1908-1995
רבינוביץ, מרדכי פינחס בן בנימין אברהם, 1908-1995
Date of birth
Date of death
Place of birth
United States (1933. 1995.
Place of death
Elizabeth (N.J.)
Place of residence/headquarters
Elizabeth (N.J.)
Sources of Information
- ספר: מפתח של גאולה, (הקד' תש"י).
- Rosen, J. Tsafnat paʻneaḥ, 1985:pt. 3, t.p. (Mordekhai Pinḥas Ṭaits) added t.p. (Pinchas M. Teitz [in rom.]; Rabbi) p. xii (Mordekhai Pinḥas b. ha-R. ha-g. Binyamin Avraham Ṭaits)
- LC man. cat.(hdg.: Teitz, Pinchas Mordecai, 1908- ; usage not shown)
- Encyc. Judaica, c1971(Teitz, Pinchas Mordecai, 1908- ; b. Riga, Latvia; imm. USA 1934; Orthodox Rabbi)
- Learn Torah, love Torah, live Torah, 2001:CIP t.p. (haRav Mordechai Pinchas Teitz) galley (b. July 7, 1908 in Subat, Latvia; d. Dec. 26, 1995)
- Ṿe-śamaḥta be-ḥayekha, c2006:t.p. (ha-Rav Mordekhai Pinḥas Ṭaits)
- Rabbi Pinchas M. Teitz (Rabbi Pinchas Mordechai Teitz, a prominent Orthodox religious leader, educator and broadcaster, died December 26, 1995, at the age of 87, in Elizabeth, N.J., a longtime resident of that city, he was born in Latvia and immigrated to the United States in 1933 ( (New York Times, December 29, 1995, viewed July 5, 2018:) )
- עורה!:בשער (הרב מרדכי פנחס טייץ (ראבינאוויץ))
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Wikipedia description:
Rabbi Pinchas Mordechai Teitz (1908–1995) was a rabbi, teacher, author, and innovator in creating a modern Torah community in Elizabeth, New Jersey. He excelled in his family's tradition of caring for Jews across the globe in any challenges they faced. A mikvah he built in 1938, a day school he founded in 1941 that grew to more than 900 students, adult education courses that he initiated, the welcome he gave to displaced persons after WWII and to Jews who came from Russia, all became a model for other leaders to implement in their cities and towns.
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