Wieland, Christoph Martin, 1733-1813
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Sources of Information
- His C. M. Wieland's Briefe an Sophie von La Roche ... 1820.
- Verzeichniss der Bibliothek des verewigten Herrn Hofraths Wieland ... 1814:t.p. (... des ... Hernn Hofraths Wieland)
- His Oberon, 1798:t.p. (Monsieur Wieland)
- Veilandou tōn Avdēritōn hē historia, 1827.
- DDB Web OPAC, Apr. 21, 2009(Wieland, Christoph Martin, 1733-1813; variants: Wieland, Cristoph Martin; Wieland, Christophorus Martinus; Wieland, Kristóf Márton; Wieland, ...; Wieland, Christian M.; Wieland, Kristoóf M.; Wieland, C. M.; Beilandos, ...; Wielland, ...; Vīrando, Kurisutōfu Marutin; Viland, Kristof Martin; Viland, K. M.; Viland, ...; Veilandos; Wieland, Christoph M.)
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Wikipedia description:
Christoph Martin Wieland (; German: [ˈviːlant]; 5 September 1733 – 20 January 1813) was a German poet and writer, representative of literary Rococo. He is best-remembered for having written the first Bildungsroman (Geschichte des Agathon), as well as the epic Oberon, which formed the basis for both Friederike Sophie Seyler's opera of the same name and Carl Maria von Weber's opera of the same name. His thought was representative of the cosmopolitanism of the German Enlightenment, exemplified in his remark: "Only a true cosmopolitan can be a good citizen." He was a key figure of Weimar Classicism and a collaborator of Abel Seyler's theatre company.
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