Yaqut ibn Abd Allah al-Hamawi, 1179?-1229
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Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
יאקות בן עבד אללה אלחמוי, 1179?-1229
Name (Latin)
Yaqut ibn Abd Allah al-Hamawi, 1179?-1229
Name (Arabic)
ياقوت بن عبد الله الحموى، 1178-1229
Other forms of name
Hakut al-Hamavi, 1179?-1229
Ḣămăvi, I̐agut, 1179?-1229
Ḥamawī, Yāqūt, 1179?-1229
Ḥamawī, Yāqūt ibn ʻAbd Allāh, 1179?-1229
I̐agut ăl-Ḣămăvi, 1179?-1229
Ĭakut al-Khamavi, 1179?-1229
Khamavi, Ĭakut, 1179?-1229
Yakut Ibn 'abdallah Al-Hamawi, 1179?-1229
Jacut, 1179?-1229
Jakut Al-Khamavi, 1179?-1229
Jaqut, 1179?-1229
Abu Zakarja Nawita
Rūmī, Yāqūt, 1179?-1229
Shihāb al-Dīn Abū ʻAbd Allah̄ Yaʻqūb b. ʻAbd Allāh al-Ḥamawī, 1179?-1229
Şihab ed-Dîn Ebu 'Abdillah Ya'kub b. 'Abdillah el-Hamevî, 1179?-1229
Yakut al-Hamavi, 1179?-1229
Yâkût el-Hamevî, 1179?-1229
Yâkût er-Rûmî, 1179?-1229
Yāqūt, 1179?-1229
Yāqūt al-Ḥamawī, 1179?-1229
Yāqūt al-Rūmī, 1179?-1229
יאקות בן עבד אללה אל-חמוי, 1179?-1229
אלחמוי, יאקות בן עבד אללה, 1179?-1229
חמוי, יאקות בן עבד אללה, 1179?-1229
אלרומי, יאקות בן עבד אללה, 1179?-1229
יאקות אלחמוי, 1179?-1229
יאקות, 1179?-1229
אלרומי, יאקות אלחמוי, 1179?-1229
אלחמוי, יאקות אלרומי, 1179?-1229
יאקות בן עבדאללה אלחמווי, 1179?-1229
אלבגדאדי, יאקות בן עבד אללה, 1179?-1229
אלבע'דאדי, יאקות בן עבד אללה, 1179?-1229
الرومي، ياقوت الحموي، 1178-1229
الحموي، ياقوت الرومي، 1178-1229
ياقوت الحموي، 1178-1229
ياقوت الرومي، 1178-1229
الحموي، ياقوت بن عبد الله، 1178-1229
الرومي، ياقوت بن عبد الله، 1178-1229
البغدادي، ياقوت بن عبد الله، 1178-1229
Date of birth
Date of death
Place of death
Aleppo (Syria)
Field of activity
Booksellers and bookselling
Names, Geographical
Associated Language
Sources of Information
- His Muʼdzham al-buldan, 1983:t.p. (Ĭakut al-Khamavi) colophon (I̐agut ăl-Ḣămăvi)
- LC data base, 1-18-85(hdg.: Yāqūt ibn ʻAbd Allāh al-Ḥamawī, 1179?-1229; usage: Yāqūt)
- His Irshād al-arīb ilá maʻrifat al-adīb, 1982- :v. 1, t.p. (Yāqūt al-Rūmī)
- Enc. of Islam, new ed.v. 9, p. 264 (Yāḳūt al-Rūmī, Shihāb al-Dīn Abū ʻAbd Allah̄ Yaʻḳūb b. ʻAbd Allāh al-Ḥamawī; celebrated traveller and scholar; b. 574 or 5/1179; d. 20 Ramaḍān 626/12 Aug., 1229 at Aleppo)
- Arabakan aghbyurnerě ..., 1965:t.p. (Hakut al-Hamavi)
- Yâkût el-Hamevî'nin Mû'cemü'l-Büldân'ında Kürtler, 2014:page 25 (Yâkût er-Rûmî; Şihab ed-Dîn Ebu 'Abdillah Ya'kub b. 'Abdillah el-Hamevî; born 575/1179; died 20 Ramazan 626/20 August 1229 in Aleppo)
- Dictionnaire géographique de l'Afrique médiévale, 2023:title page (Yāqūt) pages 15-16 (Yāqūt al-Ḥamawī (m. [meurt/mort, i.e. died] 626/1229); born in Byzantine territory in 574 or 575/1178-1180; taken as a slave while a child, bought in Baghdad by ʻAskar ibn Ibrāhim al-Ḥamawī, a bookseller, who gave him a good education; emancipated in 586/1199-1200; upon his former owner's death he assumed the trade, traveling in the Near East, Iran and twice to Cairo; in Merv [Turkmenistan] he came up with the idea to edit a work clarifying the phonetics (vocalization) of toponyms; obliged to return to Syria due to threat of Mongol invasions; his draft was completed in Aleppo in 1224, and met with success while he continued working on a final edition; died of illness 20 ramāḍān 626 / 12 August 1229 in a khan outside Aleppo)
- יאקות אל-חמאווי (יַאקוּ֫ת בן עבדאללה אל-חַמַוִי א-רוּמִי (1178-1229; בערבית: ياقوت بن عبد الله الحَمَوي الرومي, תעתיק מדויק: יאקות בן עבד אללה אלחַמַוי אלרומי) היה ביוגרף וגאוגרף ערבי מוסלמי, ככל הנראה ממוצא יווני. אל-חמווי ידוע בכתביו ומאמריו האנציקלופדיים אודות העולם המוסלמי ( (ויקיפדיה, נצפה 05 בינואר 2025:) )
Wikipedia description:
Yāqūt Shihāb al-Dīn ibn-ʿAbdullāh al-Rūmī al-Ḥamawī (1179–1229) (Arabic: ياقوت الحموي الرومي) was a Muslim scholar of Byzantine ancestry active during the late Abbasid period (12th–13th centuries). He is known for his Mu'jam ul-Buldān, an influential work on geography containing valuable information pertaining to biography, history and literature as well as geography.
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