Exquemelin, A. O.
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Sources of Information
- Tooley's dict. of mapmakers, 1979(Esquemeling [Exquemelin; English forms of Oexmelin], Alexandre Olivier (ca. 1645-1717+))
- InU/Wing STC files(usage: J. Esquemeling)
- Grote Winkler Prins(Exquemelin, Alexandre-Olivier, 1646-ca. 1707)
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Wikipedia description:
Alexandre Olivier Exquemelin (also spelled Esquemeling, Exquemeling, or Oexmelin) (c. 1645–1707) was a French, Dutch, or Flemish writer best known as the author of one of the most important sourcebooks of 17th-century piracy, first published in Dutch as De Americaensche Zee-Roovers, in Amsterdam, by Jan ten Hoorn, in 1678.
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