Morton, Geoffrey J., 1907-1996
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Sources of Information
- His Just the job, 1957:t.p. (Geoffrey J. Morton, colonial policeman)
- NUC 56-67(Morton, Geoffrey J. 1907- )
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Wikipedia description:
Geoffrey J. Morton, BEM (1907–1996) was a member of the Palestine Police, who, in two separate incidents, shot five people, three of them fatally. All five people were members of Lehi, a militant Zionist group which attempted to form an anti-British alliance with Nazi Germany and staged an insurgency against British rule in what was then called Mandatory Palestine (now Israel) during World War II, with the aim of creating a Jewish state. Among those killed was Avraham Stern, the leader of Lehi. The circumstances under which Morton killed Stern were disputed, and the controversy effectively ended his active police work in Palestine.
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