Dulaurier, Edouard, 1807-1881
Enlarge text Shrink text- His Mémoire, lettres, et rapports ... 1843:t.p. (Edouard Dulaurier)
- LC data base, 4-12-85(hdg.: Dulaurier, Édouard, 1807-1881)
- Collection des principales chroniques Malayes, 1849:t.p. (Ed. Dulaurier)
Jean Paul Louis François Édouard Leuge-Dulaurier (29 January 1807 – 21 December 1881) was a French Orientalist, Armenian studies scholar and Egyptologist. Dulaurier was born in Toulouse. He succeeded Paul Émile Levaillant de Florival, on the former's death in 1862, as professor of the Armenian language at the Ecole spéciale des Langues orientales. He also established the chair for the Malay language. He was also a member of the Institut de France (Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres). He died in Meudon. Dulaurier was a major contributor to the Recueil des historiens des croisades, for the part related to Armenian sources which he edited and translated into French. This work is still considered a major source of the period and is available online.
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