Julia Mamaea, -235
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Information for Authority record
Sources of Information
- Boer, H. G. W. De Iulia Mamaea ... 1911.
- Kettenhofen, E. Die syrischen Augustae in der historischen Überlieferung, 1979 (subj.)p. 156 (Julia Mamaea; 1st cognomen Avita occurs infrequently; reg. appears with Mamaea; mother of Alexander Severus)
- Oxford class. dict.(Julia Avita Mamaea; younger daughter of Julia Maesa; mother of Severus Alexander; d. 235)
- Brit.(Julia Mamaea; d. 235)
- Colliers(Julia Mamaea; d. 235)
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Wikipedia description:
Julia Avita Mamaea or Julia Mamaea (14 or 29 August around 182 – March 21/22 235) was a Syrian noble woman and member of the Severan dynasty. She was the mother of Roman emperor Alexander Severus and remained one of his chief advisors throughout his reign. She was killed in 235 by rebel soldiers alongside her son.
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