Heywood, Jasper, 1535-1598
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Sources of Information
- Seneca, L.A. Jasper Heywood and his translations of Seneca's Troas ... 1913:t.p. (Jasper Heywood)
- InU/3 cent. drama files(usage: ... Jasperum Heywodum)
- LC data base, 10/10/83(hdg.: Heywood, Jasper, 1535-1598)
- NUC pre-1956(Heywood, Jasper, 1535-1598; has ref.: Haywood, Jasper, 1535-1598)
- DNB(Heywood, Jasper, D.D., 1535-1598; Jesuit and poet)
- Edwards R. The paradise of daintie deuises, 1585:t.p. verso (Iasper Heiwood)
Wikipedia description:
Jasper Heywood (1535 – 9 January 1598) was an English Jesuit priest. He is known as the English translator of three Latin plays of Seneca, the Troas (1559), the Thyestes (1560) and Hercules Furens (1561).
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