Kolin, Samuel ben Nathan, ha-Levi, -1806

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Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
קעלין, שמואל בן נטע, 1724-1806
Name (Latin)
Kolin, Samuel ben Nathan, ha-Levi, -1806
Other forms of name
Kolin, Samuel ben Nathan, ha-Levi, d. 1806
nnaa Kolin, Samuel ben Nata, 1724-1806
Kelin, Samuel ben Nathan, ha-Levi, d. 1806
Halewi, Samuel Kell, d. 1806
Kell, Samuel, ha-Leṿi, d. 1806
Ḳeln, Shemuʾel, ha-Leṿi, d. 1806
Leṿi, Shemuʾel Ḳeln, d. 1806
Machzis-Haschekel, Author of, d. 1806
Machzith Hashekel, Author of, d. 1806
Machazis Haschekel, Author of, d. 1806
Maḥatsit ha-sheḳel, Author of, d. 1806
Ḳelin, Shemuʾel, ha-Leṿi, d. 1806
קלין, שמואל בן נטע, 1724-1806
קולין, שמואל בן נטע, 1724-1806
שמואל, הלוי, מקלן, 1724-1806
קליין, שמואל בן נטע, 1724-1806
קאלין, שמואל, 1724-1806
הלוי, שמואל קעלין, 1724-1806
שמואל קעלין, הלוי, 1724-1806
קלין, שמואל בן נתן נטע, הלוי, 1724-1806
קלין, שמואל בן נתן נטע הלוי, 1724-1806
Date of birth
Date of death
Place of birth
Kolín (Czech Republic)
Place of death
Boskovice (Czech Republic)
Biographical or Historical Data
מקום לידה: קולין Kolin], בוהמיה, כיום צ'כיה]
מקום לידה: Kolin
תאריך לידה עברי: תפ"ד [1724]
מקום פטירה: בוסקוביץ Boskovice ,Boskowitz], מוראביה, כיום צ'כיה]
מקום פטירה: Boskowitz
מקום פטירה: Boskovice
תאריך פטירה עברי: כח ניסן תקס"ו [16.4.1806].
מקצוע: רב בקהילת בוסקוביץ.
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 121608448
Wikidata: Q20502822
Library of congress: n 85299585
OCoLC: oca01759515
Sources of Information
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Wikipedia description:

Samuel ben Nathan Ha-Levi Loew (Kelin or Kolin) (also "Lōw" or "Löw", Hebrew: שמואל בן נתן נטע הלוי קעלין; c. 1720–1806) was a Talmudist and Halakhist, best known for his work Machatzit HaShekel (Ashkenazi pronunciation, Machatzis HaShekel). The son of Nathan Naṭe ha-Levi, he was born at Kolín, Bohemia. For nearly 60 years he headed over a yeshiva at Boskovice (Boskowitz), Moravia, where he died on May 20, 1806. He had the title Av Beis Din of Boskowitz. Samuel had 3 sons and 3 daughters: Benjamin Ze'ev Ha-Levi (Wolf) Boskowitz (1746-1818), Jacob (c 1750-1833), Jehuda (c 1751-1800), Sara (Hinda) married Markus (Mordechai Lob) Wassertrilling of Boskovice, Esther married Bernhard Biach. His son Wolf Boskowitz delivered the sermon at his funeral. His descendant in the 5th generation, Dr. Max Anton Löw, a convert to Roman Catholicism, was the attorney of the anti-Semite Francis Deckert. His works were published under the name Machatzit HaShekel as follows; these commentaries appear nowadays in most editions of the Shulchan Aruch: An extensive super-commentary on Abraham Abele Gombiner's Magen Abraham on Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim (Vienna, 1807-1808; 2d ed. 1817; several times reprinted) A super-commentary on the "Shakh" on Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah Hilchot Niddah (Lemberg, 1858) and Hilchot Melichah (ib. 1860)

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