Gareis, Karl, 1844-1923

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  • Personality
| מספר מערכת 987007277566305171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Gareis, Karl, 1844-1923
Other forms of name
Gareis, Carl, 1844-1923
Gareis, K. (Karl), 1844-1923
Von Gareis, Karl, 1844-1923
nna Gareis, Karl von, 1844-1923
Date of birth
Date of death
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 12684676
Wikidata: Q78278
Library of congress: n 85316689
Sources of Information
  • His Die Börse und die Grundungen, 1874:t.p (Carl Gareis)
  • NUC pre-1956(hdg.: Gareis, Karl von, 1844-1923; usage: Carl Gareis, Karl Gareis, Karl von Gareis, K. Gareis)
  • LC in OCLC, 8/26/87(hdg.: Gareis, Karl von, 1844-1923; usage not given)
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Wikipedia description:

Karl Heinrich Franz von Gareis (24 April 1844 in Bamberg – 15 January 1923 in Munich) was a German legal scholar and Old Catholic writer. He studied law at the universities of Munich, Heidelberg and Würzburg, obtaining his habilitation for private law at Würzburg in 1870. In 1873 he became a law professor at the University of Bern, specializing in private law. Later on, he served as professor at the universities of Giessen (from 1875), Königsberg (from 1888) and Munich (from 1902). From 1878 to 1881 he was a member of the National Liberal Party in the German Reichstag. Since 2009 the "Carl-Gareis-Preis" is awarded by the University of Bayreuth Faculty of Law and Economics for outstanding dissertations in the field of legal history or intellectual property.

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