Platter, Felix, 1536-1614

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  • Personality
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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Platter, Felix, 1536-1614
Other forms of name
Plater, Felix, 1536-1614
Plater, F. (Felix), 1536-1614
Platerus, Felix, 1536-1614
Date of birth
Date of death
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 47796696
Wikidata: Q667732
Library of congress: n 50054102
Sources of Information
  • His A golden practice of physick, 1662:t.p. (Felix Plater)
  • UnM/Wing files(hdg.: Plater, Felix, 1536-1614; usage: Felix Plater; Felicis Plateri; F. Plater; Felice Platero; Felix Platter)
  • NBG(hdg.: Plater, Felix, 1536-1614, suisse)
  • LC in OCLC, 2-26-92(hdg.: Platter, Felix, 1536-1614; usage: Felix Platter, Félix Platter)
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Wikipedia description:

Felix Platter (also Plater ; German: [ˈplatɐ]; Latinized: Platerus; 28 October 1536 – 28 July 1614) was a Swiss physician, botanist, and diarist. He is known for his research in several areas of medicine, including opthalmology and psychiatry.

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