Doneau, Hugues, 1527-1591
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Sources of Information
- His Hugonis Donelli iurisconsulti In titulum De usuris in Pandectis & sequentem commentarius [MI] 1556.
- BLC(hdg.: Donellus, Hugo)
- Dict. de biog. frse(Doneau, Hugues; in Lat. Hugo Donellus; b. 23 Dec. 1527, d. 4 May 1591)
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Wikipedia description:
Hugues Doneau, commonly referred also by the Latin form Hugo Donellus (23 December 1527, in Chalon-sur-Saône – 4 May 1591, in Altdorf bei Nürnberg), was a French law professor and one of the leading representatives of French legal humanism (mos Gallicus).
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