Bourguignon, André
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Sources of Information
- Initiation à la recherche clinique en psychologie normale ... c1982:t.p. (Pr André Bourguignon) cover (A. Bourguignon) p. 7 (Hôpital A. Chenevier, Créteil, France)
- Psychopathologie et épistémologie, 1998:t.p. (André Bourguignon) cover p. 4 (d. 1996)
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Wikipedia description:
André Bourguignon (8 August 1920 – 9 April 1996) was a French psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, born in Paris. A psychiatry professor at the University of Paris XII, he was part of a team in charge of translating Sigmund Freud's work from German into French, together with Jean Laplanche, Pierre Cotet and François Robert. He was the father of actress Anémone.
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