Maksimov, N. A. 1880-1952
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Sources of Information
- Pami︠a︡ti Dmitrii︠a︡ Iosifovicha Ivanovskogo, 1952:verso t.p. (N. A. Maksimov)
- Biologi, 1984:p. 394 (Maksimov, Nikolaĭ Aleksandrovich, b. 3/21/1880, d. 5/9/1952; Soviet botanist and plant physiologist; akad. AN SSSR (1946); director, In-t fiziologii rasteniĭ AN SSSR, 1946-1952)
Wikipedia description:
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Maximov (also spelled Maksimov, Russian: Николай Александрович Максимов; 21 March 1880 – 9 May 1952) was a Russian-Soviet plant physiologist. He examined frost damage and looked at frost resistance and noted that damage was caused mechanically by ice crystals and that resistance involved osmotic control of cell sap. He also found that drought resistance was not achieved by plants merely through reduction of transpiration but by other stress tolerance mechanisms. He has been considered the founder of ecological plant physiology research in the Soviet Union.
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