Gaultier, Denis, -1672

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  • Personality
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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Gaultier, Denis, -1672
Other forms of name
Gaultier, Denis, d. 1672
Gautier, Denis, d. 1672
Gaulthier, Denis, d. 1672
Gaultier, le jeune (Denis), d. 1672
Gaultier, de Paris (Denis), d. 1672
Gaultier, Mr. (Denis), d. 1672
Date of birth
Date of death
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 68974297
Wikidata: Q670558
Library of congress: n 82111930
Sources of Information
  • His La rhétorique des dieux, 1932.
  • New Grove(Gaultier (Gautier, Gaulthier), Denis; 1603-1672; French composer and lutenist; referred to as Gaultier le jeune to distinguish him from his cousin Ennemond Gaultier; also known as Gaultier de Paris; in bibl.: Mr. Gaultier)
  • Encyc. de la musique(Gaultier, Denis; 1603-1672; called G. le jeune or G. de Paris)
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Wikipedia description:

Denis Gaultier (Gautier, Gaulthier; also known as Gaultier le jeune and Gaultier de Paris) (1597 or 1602/3 – 1672) was a French lutenist and composer. He was a cousin of Ennemond Gaultier.

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