Moretus, Balthasar, 1574-1641
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Sources of Information
- Rubens and the book, 1977:p. 1 (Balthasar Moretus, head of the Plantin Press)
- Christopher Plantin, 1960:p. 228-229 (Balthasar Moretus; b. 1574; d. 1641; Balthasar and his brother Joannes took over the Plantin Press in 1610 upon the death of their father, Jan Moretus)
- Lessius, L. Hygiasticon, seu, Vera ratio valetudinis bonae et vitae, 1623:imprint on t.p (apud Balthasarem Moretum) colophon (Balthasaris Moret)
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Wikipedia description:
Balthasar Moretus or Balthasar I Moretus (23 July 1574 – 6 July 1641) was a Flemish printer and head of the Officina Plantiniana, the printing company established by his grandfather Christophe Plantin in Antwerp in 1555. He was the son of Martina Plantin and Jan Moretus.
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