McAll, R. W. 1821-1893
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Sources of Information
- Mission populaire evangélique de France, 1922?:p. 2 (Robert Whitaker Mac All, D.D.; né à Macclesfield, Angleterre, le 17 déc. 1822 [sic]; mort à Paris le 11 mai 1893)
- OCLC database, 8/25/93(hdg.: McAll, Robert Whitaker, 1821-1893; usage: R.W. McAll)
- New Schaff-Herzog enc. of rel. knowledge, 1910:v. 7, p. 102 (McAll, Robert Whitaker; b. at Macclesfield, Cheshire, Dec. 17, 1821; d. in Paris May 11, 1893)
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Wikipedia description:
Robert Whitaker McAll (1821–1893) was a congregationalist minister from English and Scottish origin who founded the " Popular Evangelical Mission of France " in Paris in 1872, a movement which gained a considerable following and influence in a few years and which is still in existence today.
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