Bounfour, Abdallah
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Information for Authority record
Sources of Information
- nuc87-35989: His Atlassiques, c1980(hdg. on TxU rept.: Bounfour, Abdallah; usage: Abdallah Bounfour)
- Poésie populaire berbère, 1990:t.p. (Abdallah Bounfour) p. 4 of cover (spécialiste de littérature arabe et berbère, maître de conférences, Univ. de Bordeaux III, chargé de cours à la Sorbonne (Paris V))
- De l'enfant au fils, 1995:CIP t.p. (Abdellah Bounfour)
Wikipedia description:
Abdellah Bounfour (born 1946) is a Moroccan linguist and philologist specialized in Berber languages, literature and culture. He is an Emeritus University Professor at Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO) in Paris.
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