RMG, Palais des papes

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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
RMG, Palais des papes
Other forms of name
Palace of the Popes (Avignon, France)
Palais des papes (Avignon, France)
Papal Palace (Avignon, France)
4.8075 4.8075 43.9508 43.9508 (gooearth )
See Also From tracing topical name
Official residences France
Palaces France
Popes Dwellings France
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 143831338
Wikidata: Q143463
Library of congress: n 97065908
Sources of Information
  • Academic Amer. encyc:v. 2, p. 380 (Palace of the Popes)
  • Baedecker Southern France, 1907:p. 452 (Palace of the Popes)
  • Britannica Micro.:under Avignon (Palais des papes, really two buildings)
  • Collier's:under Avignon (Palace of the Popes)
  • Americana:v.2, p. 87 (Papal Palace, erected between 1316 and 1370)
  • Shell Guide to France, 1979:p. 398 (Papal Palace) p.399 (Palais des papes)
  • World Book:v. 1, pp. 935-936 (Papal Palace)
  • LC database, 25 Sept. 1996(in English titles: Palace of the Popes; Palais des papes)
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Wikipedia description:

The Palais des Papes (English: Palace of the Popes; lo Palais dei Papas in Occitan) in Avignon, Southern France, is one of the largest and most important medieval Gothic buildings in Europe. Once a fortress and palace, the papal residence was a seat of Western Christianity during the 14th century. Six papal conclaves were held in the Palais, leading to the elections of Benedict XII in 1334, Clement VI in 1342, Innocent VI in 1352, Urban V in 1362, Gregory XI in 1370 and Benedict XIII in 1394. In 1995, the Palais des Papes was classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its outstanding architecture and historical importance for the papacy.

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