Wahlund, Sten, 1901-1976
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Information for Authority record
Sources of Information
- Demographic studies in the nomadic and the settled population of northern Lapland, 1932:t.p. (Sten Wahlund)
- Kungliga Biblioteket (Sweden), 25 May 2005(hdg.: Wahlund, Sten, 1901-1976)
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Wikipedia description:
Sten Gösta William Wahlund (1901 — 1976) was a Swedish statistician, race biologist and politician. He is best known for first identifying the Wahlund effect, that subpopulations with different allele frequencies cause reduced heterozygosity than what is expected from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. He graduated from Uppsala University in 1924 and received a PhD in 1933, while working at the State Institute for Racial Biology. He later became important in the Bondeförbundet and was a member of the Swedish parliament.
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