Black corals

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Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
Name (Latin)
Black corals
Other forms of name
nne Antipathidea
Thorny corals
See Also From tracing topical name
Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q1479472
Library of congress: sh 85005732
Sources of Information
  • Brusca, R.C. Invertebrates, 2003:p. 225 (Order Antipatharia, black or thorny corals)
  • Pechenik, J. Biology of the invertebrates, 2000:p. 126 (Order Antipatharia, black or thorny corals, commonly exploited for jewelry making)
  • ITIS, Jan. 20, 2004(Antipatharia, order, commmon name(s): black corals or thorny corals)
  • Syn. liv. org.:v. 1, p. 704 (Antipathia, black or thorny corals)
  • Living invertebrates, 1987:p. 175 (Antipatharians (black corals)) p. 186 (Order Antipatharia)
  • Web. 3(black coral: an antipatharian coral having a black horny axis; thorny coral: black coral)
  • Black coral web page, Office of Protected Resources, NOAA Fisheries, Feb. 24, 2004(Antipatharians. Black corals are colonial cnidarians in the order Antipatharia. There are over 200 described species. Black coral is commercially harvested primarily for jewelry, although historical uses included medicines and religious artifacts.)
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Wikipedia description:

Antipatharians, also known as black corals or thorn corals, are an order of soft deep-water corals. These corals can be recognized by their jet-black or dark brown chitin skeletons, which are surrounded by their colored polyps (part of coral that is alive). Antipatharians are a cosmopolitan order, existing in nearly every oceanic location and depth, with the sole exception of brackish waters. However, they are most frequently found on continental slopes under 50 m (164 ft) deep. A black coral reproduces both sexually and asexually throughout its lifetime. Many black corals provide housing, shelter, food, and protection for other animals. Black corals were originally classified in the subclass Ceriantipatharia along with ceriantharians (tube-dwelling anemones), but were later reclassified under Hexacorallia. Though they have historically been used by Pacific Islanders for medical treatment and in rituals, its only modern use is making jewelry. Black corals have been declining in numbers and are expected to continue declining due to the effects of poaching, ocean acidification and climate change.

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