Delbrück, Berthold, 1842-1922
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Information for Authority record
Sources of Information
- Bulic, S.K. Ocerk istorii jazykoznanija v Rossii, 1989:orig. t.p. (B. Delbriuka) afterword (B. Delbrucks)
- LC in RLIN. 10-5-89(hdg.: Delbrueck, Berthold, 1842-1922; usage: Berthold Delbrueck [not German])
- NUC pre-56(hdg.: Delbruck, Berthold, 1842-; usage: Berthold Delbruck)
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Wikipedia description:
Berthold Gustav Gottlieb Delbrück (German pronunciation: [ˈbɛʁthɔlt ˈdɛl.bʁʏk] ; 26 July 1842 – 3 January 1922) was a German linguist who devoted himself to the study of the comparative syntax of the Indo-European languages.
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