'Abd al-Rahman III, Caliph of Cordova, 891-961
Enlarge text Shrink text- Saphire, S. Der Kalif fun Kordovo, 1927.
- Abdarrahman III y su epoca, 1991:p. 71 (b. Jan. 7 891) p. 78 (d. Oct. 15 961)
- al-Mawrid, 1987:Mujam al-alam, p. 4 (Abd al-Rahman al-Thalith = Abd-ur-Rahman III [in rom.]; 1st Umayyad caliph of al-Andalus; called Abd al-Rahman al-Nasir)
- Abderraman III y el califato de Cordoba, 2001.
- Abderrahman y el califato, p1979.
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn al-Ḥakam al-Rabdī ibn Hishām ibn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Dākhil (Arabic: عبدالرحمن بن محمد بن عبداللہ بن محمد بن عبدالرحمن بن الحكم بن هشام بن عبد الرحمن الداخل; 890–961), or simply ʿAbd al-Raḥmān III, was the Umayyad Emir of Córdoba from 912 to 929, at which point he founded the Caliphate of Córdoba, serving as its first caliph until his death. Abd al-Rahman won the laqab (sobriquet) al-Nāṣir li-Dīn Allāh (lit. 'the Defender of God's Faith') in his early 20s when he supported the Maghrawa Berbers in North Africa against Fatimid expansion and later claimed the title of Caliph for himself. His half-century reign was known for its religious tolerance.
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