Laelius, Theodorus, 1427-1466
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Information for Authority record
Sources of Information
- Jerome, Saint. Diui Hieronymi Epistolarum uolumen, 1488:v. 2, p. 1 (... per Theodoru[m] Laelium, auditorem Apostolicu[m])
- British Museum. Short title cat. of books printed in Italy ... from 1465 to 1600:p. 346-347 (T. Lelius, T. Laelius)
- BLC(Laelius, Theodorus, successively Bp. of Feltre and of Treviso)
- LC manual cat.(hdg.: Lelli, Teodoro de', 1427-1466)
- Chevalier(Lelli, Theodore, of Teramo, canon of Treviso and of Verona; Bp. of Feltre 1464; Cardinal 1464/65; d. 3-31-1465/66)
- Gams, P.B. Series episcoporum:p.804 (Theodor. Lelio, made Bp. of Treviso 9-17-1464; d. ca. 3-31-1466)
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Wikipedia description:
Teodoro de Lellis or Teodoro Lelli (died 1466) was a Roman Catholic prelate who served as Bishop of Treviso (1464–1466) and Bishop of Feltre (1462–1464).
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