Niketas, ho Stethatos, approximately 1000-approximately 1090
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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Niketas, ho Stethatos, approximately 1000-approximately 1090
Other forms of name
Nicetas, Stethatos, approximately 1000-approximately 1090
Stethatos, Nicetas, approximately 1000-approximately 1090
Niketas, Stethatos, approximately 1000-approximately 1090
Nicetas, Pectoratus, approximately 1000-approximately 1090
Nikita, Stifat (Pektorat), approximately 1000-approximately 1090
Date of birth
Date of death
Place of residence/headquarters
Istanbul (Turkey)
Associate group
Monē tōn Stoudiou (Istanbul, Turkey)
Theologians Monks
Associated Language
Other Identifiers
Library of congress:
no 00082638
Sources of Information
- Vios kai politeia tou en hagiois hemon symeon ... 1994:t.p. (Niketas tou Stethatou) p. 15 (Niketas Stethatos)
- Thresk. kai ethike enk.(Niketas, ho Stethatos; abbot of the Studite monastery; theologian; d. ca. 1090)
- Enc. Brit., 15th ed.(Nicetas Stethatos; b. ca. 1000; d. ca. 1080; Byzantine mystic, theologian; monk of the Stoudion monastery in Constantinople)
- Ekpaid. Hell. enk.(Niketas ho Stethatos; b. ca. 1014, d. ca. 1090; Byz. learned monk, abbot of the Stoudion monastery; writer of ascetical and dogmatic treatises)
- Bio. dict. of the Byz. Empire, c1991(Niketas Stethatos; b. ca. 1000, d. ca. 1090; monk and theologian)
- LC online catalog, Oct. 9, 2002(hdg.: Nicetas Pectoratus)
- Rai i chelovek, 2003p. 7. (Nikita Stifat (Pektorat))
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Wikipedia description:
Niketas Stethatos (Greek: Νικήτας Στηθᾶτος, Latin: Nicetas Pectoratus; c. 1005 – c. 1090) was a Byzantine mystic and theologian who is considered a saint by the Eastern Orthodox Church. He was a follower of Symeon the New Theologian and wrote the most complete biography of Symeon, Life of Symeon.
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