Asher ben Meshulam, of Lunel

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  • Personality
| מספר מערכת 987007301396105171
Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
אשר בן משולם, מלוניל
Name (Latin)
Asher ben Meshulam, of Lunel
Other forms of name
Asher ben Meshulam, mi-Lunel
Asher ben Meshulam, mi-Lunil
אשר בן משלם, מלוניל
Place of birth
Lunel (France)
Place of death
Lunel (France)
Biographical or Historical Data
מקום לידה: לוניל Lunel], פרובאנס, כיום צרפת]?
מקום לידה: Lunel
מקום פטירה: לוניל Lunel], פרובאנס, כיום צרפת]?
מקום פטירה: Lunel
תאריך פטירה: ד' תתק"ן [1190] בערך.
Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q4804863
Sources of Information
  • ספר: אגרת המוסר, תשס"ז.
  • Record enhanced with data from Bibliography of the Hebrew Book database
  • י' תא-שמע, רבי זרחיה הלוי בעל המאור ובני חוגו, ירושלים תשנ"ג, עמ' 162-166.
Wikipedia description:

Asher ben Meshullam was a Jewish theologian and Talmudic scholar who lived at Lunel in the second half of the 12th century CE. A renowned Talmudist, he was a son of the well-known Meshullam ben Jacob, and a pupil of Joseph ibn Plat and the Raavad. He shared Raavad's ascetic tendencies. Benjamin of Tudela, in the first part of his "Travels," says that Asher lived in complete seclusion, wholly devoted to the study of the Torah, and that he never tasted meat. At the same time Asher was not hostile to philosophy. Yehudah Ibn Tibbon, in a letter to Asher, praised his fondness for science, and in his testament exhorted his son to cultivate Asher's friendship.

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