Rolduc (Augustinian abbey)
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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Rolduc (Augustinian abbey)
Other forms of name
Abbaye de Rolduc
Kloosterrade (Augustinian abbey)
Klosterrade (Augustinian abbey)
Klosterrath, Belgium. (Augustinian monastery)
Regularkanonikerstift Klosterrath (Augustinian abbey)
Abtei Klosterrath
6.081667 6.081667 50.867778 50.867778 (gooearth )
Other Identifiers
Sources of Information
- Boeren, P. C. De abdij Rolduc, 1945.
- Symposium sur les cinq voies de la Somme theologique (1979 : Rolduc). Quinque sunt viae, 1980:t.p. (Rolduc) p. 5 (ancienne Abbaye de Rolduc)
- Consuetudines canonicorum regularium Rodenses = Die Lebensordnung des Regularkanonikerstiftes Klosterrath, c1993.
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Wikipedia description:
Rolduc is a medieval abbey located on the edge of the town of Kerkrade in the far south-east of the Netherlands. It is today a Roman Catholic seminary with an affiliated conference center. The abbey is a rijksmonument (Dutch national heritage site). It features on the official list of 100 top Dutch heritage sites, drawn up in 1990 by what is today the Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (National Cultural Heritage Service).
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