Abū Firās al-Ḥamdānī, al-Ḥārith ibn Saʻīd, 932-968

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Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
אבו פיראס אל חמדאני, אל חארת' בן סעיד, 932-968
Name (Latin)
Abū Firās al-Ḥamdānī, al-Ḥārith ibn Saʻīd, 932-968
Name (Arabic)
ابو فراس الحمداني، الحارث بن سعيد، 932-968
Other forms of name
Abu Firas al-Hamdani, al-Harith ibn Said, 932-968
אבו פראס אלחמדאני, אלחארת' בן סעיד
الحمداني، الحارث بن سعيد، ابو فراث، 932-968
ابو فراس الحمداني، حارث بن سعيد، 932-968
العدوي، الحارث بن سعيد، ابو فراس الحمداني، 932-968
ابو الفراس الحمداني، الحارث بن سعيد، 932-968
ابو فراس الحارث بن سعيد بن حمدان، 932-968
الربعي، الحارث بن سعيد، أبو فراس الحمداني، 932-968
الحمداني، الحارث بن سعيد، ابو فراس، 932-968
الحمداني، ابو فراس، 932-968
التغلبي، الحارث بن سعيد، ابو فراس الحمداني، 932-968
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 17264130
Wikidata: Q481409
Library of congress: n 83146889
Sources of Information
  • The Author's פרקים מהדיואן של אבו פיראס אל חמדאני, תשל"ז.
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Wikipedia description:

Al-Harith ibn Abi’l-ʿAlaʾ Saʿid ibn Hamdan al-Taghlibi (932–968), better known by his pen name Abu Firas al-Hamdani (Arabic: أبو فراس الحمداني), was an Arab prince and poet. He was a cousin of Sayf al-Dawla and a member of the Hamdanid dynasty, who were rulers in northern Syria and Upper Mesopotamia during the 10th century. He served Sayf al-Dawla as governor of Manbij as well as court poet, and was active in his cousin's wars against the Byzantine Empire. He was captured by the Byzantines in 959/962 and spent several years at their capital, Constantinople, where he composed his most famous work, the collection of poems titled al-Rūmiyyāt (الروميات). He was ransomed in 966, and was killed in 968, when he raised a revolt against his nephew Sa'd al-Dawla, Sayf al-Dawla's successor. He is considered among the greatest figures of classical Arabic poetry.

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