Maskileison, Abraham ben Judah Leib, 1788-1848

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Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
משכיל לאיתן, אברהם בן יהודה ליב
Name (Latin)
Maskileison, Abraham ben Judah Leib, 1788-1848
Other forms of name
אברהם בן יהודה ליב, משכיל לאיתן
משכיל לאיתן, אברהם
Date of death
Place of birth
Place of death
Minsk (Belarus)
Biographical or Historical Data
מקום לידה: חוטימסק KHOTIMSK], פלך מוהילוב, רוסיה, כיום בלרוס]?
מקום לידה: Khotimsk
תאריך לידה עברי: תקמ"ח [1788]
מקום פטירה: מינסק [רוסיה הלבנה]
מקום פטירה: Minsk
תאריך פטירה עברי: יח תמוז תר"ח [19.7.1848].
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 31571556
Wikidata: Q4669081
Library of congress: no 94010677
Sources of Information
  • Record enhanced with data from Bibliography of the Hebrew Book database
  • ב"צ אייזענשטאדט, רבני מינסק וחכמיה, ווילנא תרנ"ט, עמ' 43
  • צ' הרכבי, לחקר משפחות, ירושלים תשי"ג, עמ' 5-10.
  • רבותינו שבגולה, ב, תשנ"ח, עמ' 322-324.
Wikipedia description:

Abraham ben Judah Leib (Löb) Maskileison (Hebrew: אברהם משכיל לאיתן); (b.1788– d.1848) was a Jewish scholar, rabbi and author active in Russia during the first half of the 19th century. Rabbi Maskileison was a great-grandson of another Talmudic scholar, Rabbi Israel ben Aaron Jaffe of Shklov (1640–1702), author of Or Yisrael. Born in Radoshkovichy, Maskileison studied under his father Yehuda (Judah) Leib Jaffe (1723–1783), who was av beit din of Khotimsk in Mogilev. His designation and family name Maskileison takes its name from the Ashkenazi pronunciation of the title (from Ps. 88:1) of his book Maskil le-Eitan. Maskileison discharged his rabbinical duties in many cities, serving as av beit din in Novogrudok. He later moved to Minsk, where he lived until his death at the age of about 60. Having no desire to use his cabalistic knowledge for gain, as was done by the miracle-working rabbis, he devoted his whole life to study of the Torah and the Talmud. He lived in comparative poverty, being satisfied with only a small income.

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