Siouffi, N.

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  • Personality
| מספר מערכת 987007305954705171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Siouffi, N.
Other forms of name
Siouffi, Nicolas
Siyūfī, Niqūlā
Date of birth
Date of death
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 34317097
Wikidata: Q12248866
Library of congress: nr 92005745
Sources of Information
  • Majmūʻ al-kitābāt al-muḥarrarah fī abniyat madīnat Mawṣil, 1956:t.p. (Niqūlā Siyūfī) p. 4 of cover (N. Siouffi, vice-consul of France in Mosul)
  • NUC pre-56(Siouffi, Nicolas)
Wikipedia description:

Nicolas Siouffi (1829 (Damascus) – 1901 (unknown)) was a Syrian Christian, and later French citizen and vice-consul at Mosul, remembered for his study of Mandaeism. He is known for works such as Études sur les Soubbas ou les Sabéens. Mandaeans were known locally in Arabic as Ṣubba, which Siouffi identified with the Sabians, a People of the Book in the Quran. Siouffi claimed to have identified 4000 Sabians in the Mandaean population. This was well received by the theosophist G. R. S. Mead, but received highly critical reviews from scholars, accusing Siouffi of ignorance and his teacher of dishonesty.

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