Pokhlebkin, V. V.
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- LCN: Pokhlebkin, V. V. (Vil'iam Vasil'evich); note: b. 1923
Wikipedia description:
William August Vasilyevich Pokhlyobkin (August 20, 1923 – April 15 (burial date), 2000; Russian: Ви́льям-Август Васи́льевич Похлёбкин, Viliyam Vasilievich Pokhlyobkin) was a Soviet and Russian historian specializing in Scandinavian studies, heraldry, the diplomacy and international relations of Russia. He was also known as a geographer, journalist, expert on the history of Russian cuisine and the author of numerous culinary books. His A History of Vodka has been translated into a number of languages, including English.
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