Museum on the Seam (Jerusalem)
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Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
מוזיאון על התפר (ירושלים)
Name (Latin)
Museum on the Seam (Jerusalem)
Other forms of name
Muzeʼon ʻal ha-tefer (Jerusalem)
Muzeon ʻal ha-tefer (Jerusalem) a
Mathaf ʻalā khatt al-tamāss (Jerusalem)
Museum on the Seam
ʻAl ha-tefer, Muzeʼon ḥevrati le-omanut ʻakhshaṿit (Jerusalem)
ʻAl ha-tefer (Museum : Jerusalem)
On the Seam (Museum : Jerusalem)
On the Seam, a Socio-Political Contemporary Art Museum
Muzeon al ha-tefer (Jerusalem)
Muze'on al ha-tefer (Jerusalem)
ירושלים. מוזיאון על התפר
מוזאון על התפר (ירושלים)
Museum on the Seam (Jerusalem)
35.22687 35.22687 31.7861 31.7861 (gooearth )
Type of corporate body
Place of residence/headquarters
Jerusalem (Israel)
Field of activity
Art museums
Art, Modern
Associated Language
heb eng ara
Sources of Information
- Taʻarukhat shaṿim ṿe-shaṿim paḥot, 2006:t.p. verso (Muzeʼon ʻal ha-tefer ... Yerushalayim)
- Muzeʼon ʻal ha-tefer website, May 10, 2007(Museum on the Seam [in rom.]; Mathaf ʻalā khaṭṭ al-tamāss [in Ara.]; socio-political contemporary art museum)
- Coexistence, 2006:t.p. verso (Museum on the Seam in Memory of Georg Von Holtẓbrinck)
- Zekhut ha-meḥaʼah, 2010:p. facing t.p. (ʻAl ha-tefer, muzeʼon ḥevrati le-omanut Yiśreʼelit) p. 245 (On the Seam, a Socio-Political Contemporary Museum)
- Westend, 2011 :verso t.p. (Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem) ; preliminary (On the Seam, a Socio-Political Contemporary Art Museum, in memory of Georg von Holtzbrinck)
- סוף מערב, 2011:
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Wikipedia description:
Museum on the Seam is a socio-political contemporary art museum located on the border between West Jerusalem and East Jerusalem.
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