Lanti, E.
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Information for Authority record
Sources of Information
- Naciismo, 1930:t.p. (E. Lanti)
- Esperanto Wikipedia WWW site, Feb. 5, 2008(Eŭgeno Lanti (pseudonym of Eugène Adam); b. July 19, 1879, Néhou, France; d. Jan. 17, 1947, Mexico; French Esperantist; founder of Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda (1921); editor for many years of Sennaciulo, a periodical on class struggle)
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Wikipedia description:
Eugène Lanti was a pseudonym of Eugène Aristide Alfred Adam (19 July 1879 in Normandy, France – 17 January 1947 in Mexico), an Esperantist, socialist and writer. He was a founder of Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda, and a longtime editor of the internationalist socialist magazine Sennaciulo. Lanti was a critic of Stalinism and the theoretician of a new doctrine, anationalism, which aimed to eliminate the very concept of the nation as a guiding idea of social organisation.
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