Martin, Gerald, 1944-
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Sources of Information
- Asturias, M. A. Hombres de maiz, 1981 (a.e.)t.p. (Gerald Martin) p. xxi (Portsmouth [Eng.] Polytechnic) jkt. (prof.)
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez, 2009:t.p. (Gerald Martin) jkt. (Andrew W. Mellon Prof. Emeritus of Modern Languages, Univ. of Pittsburgh; senior research professor in Caribbean studies, London Metropolitan Univ.; author of Journeys through the labyrinth)
- E-mail from author, July 22, 2009:(Gerald Michael Martin, b. Feb. 22, 1944; prefers Gerald Martin)
- גבריאל גרסיה מארקס, תשע"ב 2012:
Wikipedia description:
Gerald Martin (born 22 February, 1944) is an English literary critic whose work focuses on Latin American fiction. He is particularly known for his work on the Guatemalan author Miguel Ángel Asturias and Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez, both Nobel Prize for Literature winners. His 2008 book, Gabriel García Márquez. A Life, was the first full biography of García Márquez to be published in English.
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